230307 Pouring Watercolors Intermediate to Advanced with Lee Edge

Dates: March 7, 14, 28; April 4, 18, 25 (Note: no class on March 21 and April 11)
Time: 12:30 to 3:30 PM
Location: Chota Classroom A
Prerequisites: Previous Fundamentals of Watercolor Class
Contact Information: paintingsbylee@gmail.com
Cost: $130
Class Size: Min 6 Max 12
Sign-up: *** Cancelled ***.
Deadline: February 21, 2023
Cancellation Policy: Participants may cancel up to 14 days prior to the start of the class for a full refund. There will be no refunds within 14 days of the class unless spot can be filled from wait list. To cancel, fill out the class refund request form
Class Content: Participants will be using personal references to create original art ( not copying the instructor) using the fun and spontaneous pouring of paint in layers to create a painting. References may be compositions ranging in subject matter from glass objects, florals, and city scenes. All are encouraged to contact Lee with potential photo references for consultation. In addition to pouring paint as a foundation, the art will be completed by brushwork. Lee will be producing a demonstration painting and will consult and advise during the classes. There will be a very brief optional gathering a week or so in advance of the class so students can bring potential references and see some of Lee’s art, which exemplify the pouring technique
Supply List: Click here to view the supply list.
Biography: Lee Edge is a professional art teacher with 40 years of experience teaching mostly high school and adult classes. She has received numerous recognitions as a teacher…3 time recipient of Virginia Governor’s School for Visual Art Outstanding Teacher Award, Outstanding Ohio Art Teacher Award, numerous recognitions by school boards for outstanding service, etc. Lee exhibits with the Knoxville Watercolor Society, and holds signature membership in the Tennessee Watercolor Society and the Southern Watercolor Society, having been juried into each on three separate occasions to acquire that distinction, and has occasionally received awards from each organization. Her art has been juried into the former every biennial year since her first application in 2012. Lee’s art has also received awards on several occasions at the Oak Ridge Open Exhibition, Fountain City Art Center Open shows, etc. Lee’s art, including oil and watercolor portraits, etchings, drawings, mixed media, and watercolors, is owned by collectors in several states.
Lee has taken worships with artists of international fame over the years.