230930 Jewelry transformed to Art with Mari Kukral

Dates: September 30, 2023
Time: 9:00 to 4:00 pm
Location: Chota Classroom A
Prerequisites: None
Contact Information: mkukral@icloud.com
Cost: $50
Class Size: Min 8 Max 15
Sign-up: Registration is closed. Contact Mari directly to see if you can be added to the class.
Deadline: September 15, 2023
Cancellation Policy: Participants may cancel up to 14 days prior to the start of the class for a full refund. There will be no refunds within 14 days of the class unless spot can be filled from wait list. To cancel, fill out the class refund request form
Class Content: We will create works of art from mementos, jewelry and baubles that you have on hand. In this workshop we will be using acrylic paint, art supplies and found materials to fabricate one of a kind mixed media creations. Participants should collect materials such as vintage jewelry, broken jewelry, small baubles and larger pendants or pins work well. We will work together in class to formulate a theme for the piece then build a background from paint, collage or photos creating a medley of items that build a patchwork as a background to the image you want to portray with your baubles, bangles and jewels.
Supply List: Substrate: this is the base and background for your artwork. It can be any of the following: wood panel, deep cradle board, shadow box, wooden box a flat surface that can be painted or collaged and then glue down the jewelry to create your piece.
Found materials: Vintage jewelry to attach to the substrate, postage stamps, book illustrations, handles, drawer pulls and feet, filigree objects, buttons, old postcards, lace, ribbon, decorative tacks, wire, fibers, small statues etc.
Vintage Jewelry of multiple sizes and shapes – Pins and clip on earrings are great for adding impact and color. Bracelets and necklaces make great fill in pieces for accent.
Baubles or pieces of memorabilia that can be used for fill in or background
Bring more than you think you will need – these pieces use a lot of material. I will have some fill in beads, rhinestones and broken pieces to share and I will be gathering donations of vintage or broken jewelry before the class.
Acrylic paint for painting your base – the Art Guild has some acrylic paint in the Art Closet if needed.
Mediums: heavy acrylic gel, gloss medium, workable fixative spray, Gesso, Matte medium – I will have workable fixative spray some of these things to borrow if needed.
Papers to adhere to your substrate (wood surface) as a background: rice paper, vintage papers, art papers, tissue paper, recyclable paintings or drawings on paper, old photographs, Ink jet prints of old photographs, Painted Magazine pages, Craft packets from the Dollar Tree store has some great papers that work well. Drawing materials: paint pens, markers, pencils, ebony pencils as needed
Large Tube of E-6000 Glue
Wire Cutter
Needle Nose Pliers
Work Gloves for when you remove the backs of jewelry.
Miscellaneous: water container, scissors, stamps and/or stencils, apron, ruler, paper towels, palette
Biography: Mari Kukral is an emerging artist with a heart for nostalgia and building meaningful and memorable art pieces. After her mother passed away and left her over 1500 pieces of costume jewelry, Mari decided to create memorable pieces of art. These have been given to family members, and friends to keep her Mom’s love of baubles and bangles alive. Mari is passionate about learning new techniques to do beautiful art, but also preserving moments by freezing them in time in her works. Her favorite pieces are artistic expressions using mixed media, acrylics, collage, alcohol ink and assemblage.