240109 Paint Loosely Without Fear with Lil Clinard

Dates: January 9, 2024
Time: 9:00 to 4:00 pm
Location: Location Change: First Baptist Church, 205 Chota Road
Prerequisites: Appropriate for beginning as well as experienced artists who want to loosen up and have more fun creating their art.
Contact Information: WatercolorsByLil@charter.net
Cost: $60
Class Size: Min 10 Max 16
Sign-up: Class is full. Contact Lil to see if you can be added to the class.
Deadline: December 26, 2023
Cancellation Policy: Participants may cancel up to 14 days prior to the start of the class for a full refund. There will be no refunds within 14 days of the class unless spot can be filled from wait list. To cancel, fill out the class refund request form
Class Content: In this one-day class, Lil will cover an array of techniques to help you loosen up free of fear. We will use watercolor or acrylics since it dries quickly. Mix it up; bring different pigment types: paint, pencil, pen, stick, marker, or powder. You can use what you have, and we will share. Topics covered will include how to prepare to paint loosely, multiple ways to get started on a painting, exciting ways to loosen up, experimentation without fear, and when to step away from your painting. There will be a brief presentation and demonstrations of numerous techniques. You will try the techniques by participating in exercises and beginning 2 or 3 paintings. There will be time for Q&A and critique. It will be FUN.
Supply List: Click here to view the supply list
Biography: Lil Clinard is known for her watercolor, acrylic and encaustic paintings. Her paintings have won numerous awards. You may have seen her paintings in the AGTV Spring Shows. She paints in both a realistic and abstract style and uses both intense and soft hues. She loves to have fun and experiment with her art. Who says you can’t paint a watercolor 40” x 60”? Who says you can’t put dryer lint and used dryer sheets in a painting? Who says finger painting is only for children? She often mixes media and for fun and effect. Lil has been painting for many years and has learned a lot through trial and error. You have an opportunity to benefit from her experiences. Visit her website: www.WatercolorsByLil.com. Lil’s paintings are in private and commercial collections across the US and are available at the Art Market Gallery in Knoxville and her Studio.
Instructor Website: www.WatercolorsByLil.com