240220 Wet Felted Bag with Lori Demange

Dates: February 20, 2024
Time: 9:30 to 3:30
Location: First Baptist Church, 205 Chota Road
Prerequisites: None
Contact Information: lkdemange@gmail.com
Cost: $80 (some supplies included)
Class Size: Min 6 Max 6
Sign-up: Registration is closed. Contact Lori to see if you can be added to the class.
Deadline: February 5, 2024
Cancellation Policy: Participants may cancel up to 14 days prior to the start of the class for a full refund. There will be no refunds within 14 days of the class unless spot can be filled from wait list. To cancel, fill out the class refund request form
Class Content: We will make a small tote bag, approximately 11 by 10 inches, using the wet felting method. No experience necessary as I will walk you through each step. We will layout the wool fibers over a resist, wet with soapy water, and roll it up into a bundle and then begin the agitation phase. The photos show some example bags, some plain, and some with designs that are wet felted into the wool. You will be able to choose your style according to your comfort level with working with the fibers once the class is in progress. The small class size will allow us to work together to achieve the results you desire. I will have a few “kits” of colored wool available so you will have some choices, but the colors in the photos may not be available.
You will learn the important skill of weighing your wool and planning for multiple layers. You will use a resist to make a three-dimensional object out of wool fibers that requires no sewing. You will learn how the directional layout of wool fibers affects the shrinkage of the final bag we are making. You will make an amazing bag with a little soap and a lot of wool!
Supply List: Teacher supplying wool.
Students to bring:
2 old bath towels
4 kitchen towels
1 large bowl or small bucket (4 quarts)
1 iron (for pressing)
1 wooden spoon
1 ball brause (for sprinkling water)
Biography: I have been needle felting and wet felting for 7 years, making vessels, bags, toys, and decorations. Felting has been a hobby that has introduced me to the world of fiber artists, shepherds, and fiber enthusiasts around the world