240404 Beginning to Intermediate Encaustic (Hot Wax) Painting with Lil Clinard

Dates: Rescheduled from February 1,2&3 to April 4,5,&6, 2024. If you would like to cancel your enrollment, please submit the workshop refund request form and you will get a full refund.
Time: 9:00 to 4:00 pm
Location: Chota Classroom A
Prerequisites: This class is appropriate for anyone who would like to have a new and exciting experience. Whether you have painted before or not….YOU CAN DO THIS!
Contact Information: watercolorsbylil@charter.net
Cost: $225 (members) $260 (non-members)
Class Size: Min 8 Max 16
Sign-up: Registration is closed. Contact Lil to see if you can be added to the workshop.
Deadline: March 1, 2024
Cancellation Policy: Participants may cancel up to 30 days prior to the start of the Workshop. There will be no refunds within 30 days of the workshop. If AGTV or the instructor cancels the workshop, participants will get a full refund. To cancel, fill out the workshop refund request form
Workshop Content: Have fun learning the basic and fascinating techniques of hot wax painting. You will be introduced to the equipment and materials used by beginners and pros; you’ll have ten different techniques demonstrated and can try them yourself with individual help to guide and encourage you. For those who attended my encaustic class before, we’ll try some new approaches and techniques.
Day 1
Introductory Presentation: Encaustic Painting with hands-on examples
Demo I: Encaustic safety, equipment, and paints, preparing boards and mono printing
You’ll prep your boards and create 1 to 3 mono prints on rice paper. The boards and rice paper will be provided.
Discussion: Importance of fusing, and characteristics of encaustic paints with examples
Demo II: Collage and imprinting on board to create a painting
You’ll try your hand at creating two 4×4 paintings with your mono prints
Day 2
Demo III: Using fluid wax and incising or stamping to create a painting
You’ll try your hand at a fluid 6×6 encaustic using flower or NASA images (provided) as a reference
Demo IV: Photo transfers, incising, taping, and stamping to create a painting
You’ll create an 8×8 painting using these techniques
Day 3
Demo V: Using various media (pencil, watercolor, pastels, oil sticks, or inks) to create an underpainting and building up a painting with layers
You’ll begin a 12×12 painting with an underpainting
Demo VI: Accretion, embedding and layering the wax to create textures
You’ll add texture and other techniques of your choice to your 12×12 and finish it off
Demo VII: Using varnish and a torch for special effects
Supply List: Click here to view the supply list.
Biography: I love to experiment and create with watercolor, oil, acrylic, pastel, and wax. In 2012, I attended an encaustic demo at Jerry’s Artarama, created two small pieces and was hooked. I found I could use all the media I love in an encaustic. I can underpaint with watercolor, add pastel or oil paint, add collage and photographs, embed objects, carve into the wax and layer, layer, layer. In wax, I can paint abstractly, impressionistically, or realistically! I’ve had a lot of fun and learned a lot by experimenting. I have exhibited my encaustics in juried shows at Oak Ridge Art Center, The Emporium in Knoxville, and Knoxville McGhee Tyson Airport, Art Market Gallery, as well as Chota Rec Center. Instructor’s Website: www.WatercolorsByLil.com
Instructor Website: www.WatercolorsByLil.com