240801 Finding Your Voice in Watercolor with David Daniels

Dates: August 1, 2 & 3, 2024
Time: 9:00 to 4:00 pm
Location: Chota Classroom A
Prerequisites: Some experience with watercolor is helpful
Contact Information: misterwatercolor@gmail.com
Cost: $290 (member) $350 (non-member)
Class Size: Min 13 Max 16
Sign-up: Registration is closed.
Deadline: July 1, 2024
Cancellation Policy: Participants may cancel up to 30 days prior to the start of the Workshop. There will be no refunds within 30 days of the workshop. If AGTV or the instructor cancels the workshop, participants will get a full refund. To cancel, fill out the workshop refund request form
Workshop Content: Watercolor paintings can be so much more than a checklist of watercolor technique. David Daniels goes beyond the basics of paint application, and teaches how to construct strong, vibrant, personality filled paintings. Technique is very important to this discipline, but it is the composition of your painting that will engage your viewer. When strong compositions and thoughtful technique are combined, it is an unbeatable combination. Painting is about being challenged by new subjects, excited by new materials and techniques, and eager to explore fresh ideas. David shows how to carefully construct a watercolor using preliminary sketches and value studies. He will also demonstrate his methods of using multiple glazes of wet-into-wet passages to achieve unsurpassed brilliance as well as the use of masking agents to achieve jewel-like clarity.
Dave is not restricted to using only traditional watercolor materials. Experimentation with all water media is endemic to his work. Learning to paint is a lifelong process, not a goal. Unrealistic expectations almost always lead to disappointment. Be prepared for gradual progress and let things proceed at their own comfortable speed. I ask my students to focus their attention on why they are painting as much as what they are painting. Painting without passion or motivation is an empty exercise.
Supply List: Click here to view the supply list.
Biography: David Daniels earned a Bachelor of Science degree from Central Michigan University in Mt. Pleasant in 1970. From a young age he loved nature, and looked to it for what he still considers an “inexhaustible supply of ideas.” This fascination with nature led to his formal training in botany and biology. Although he knows his paintings would never be considered photorealistic, his scientific studies continue to influence his work. He makes great efforts to represent his subjects anatomically and botanically correct.
In 1982 he earned a Master of Art degree, again from Central Michigan University. After 15 years of teaching in the Michigan public school system, he moved to Washington, D.C., to pursue an art career.
David’s work has been selected numerous times for solo exhibitions in Michigan and the Washington, D.C. metro area, and his paintings are in many private and public collections around the world, including the National Institutes of Health. He has been the recipient of Best of Show awards from organizations such as the Capitol Hill Art League and the Washington Watercolor Association and was inducted into Who’s Who in American Art in 2005. In addition to being a full-time artist, he teaches watercolor painting at the Smithsonian Institution and workshops in the US and Europe.
David was the art director for the Boat House Art School of Washington, D.C., for two years; volunteered as a docent at the Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden; and has demonstrated his style of painting on cable TV. His work has been featured in numerous books and periodicals, and his interactive approach to teaching has made him a sought-after workshop instructor. After more than 30 years of painting, his continuing experimentation with the medium has resulted in depictions such as, “The New Face of Watercolor” (Watercolor Magazine, Fall 2004), and his paintings are said to look like no other watercolor you have seen.
Instructor Website: www.mrwatercolor.com