241001 Watercolor-Painting Glass Still Life with Lee Edge

Dates: Tuesdays starting October 1 and ending November 5,2024 (6 weeks)
Time: 12:45 to 4:00 pm
Location: Chota Classroom A
Prerequisites: Introduction to Watercolor Class
Contact Information: paintingsbylee@gmail.com
Cost: $150
Class Size: Min 8 Max 12
Sign-up: Registration is closed. Contact Lee to see if you can be added to the class.
Deadline: September 9, 2024
Cancellation Policy: Participants may cancel up to 14 days prior to the start of the class for a full refund. There will be no refunds within 14 days of the class unless spot can be filled from wait list. To cancel, fill out the class refund request form
Class Content: Participants will work on 140 LB stretched watercolor paper, such as Artistico Fabriano 100% cotton. All will meet at Lee’s home prior to the class in order to bring/share any color glass items from personal collections, which will be composed and photographed in daylight on a porch, with emphasis on overlapping transparencies and colorful cast shadows. Principles of Composition will be reviewed and will be the inspiration for arrangements. Techniques used to create the paintings will be varied, as illustrated by example or demonstration by Lee. Lee will offer individual critiques as the paintings are in process and will be demonstrating via creating a painting in class, as time permits, as well as creating individual demos for participants. The class consists of 6, 3-hour sessions with an extra meeting at Lee’s home for photography. The Fee includes a 13”x19” photo of the selected arrangement for each person. Each participant will have a unique painting. We do not copy the teacher in this class.
Supply List: 2 Water Containers
1 roll of Bounty or other paper towels
1 roll of Viva (no texture….original only)
Assortment of quality brushes (synthetic, mixed, or sable) only used for w c
Assorted quality watercolors such as Winsor and Newton, Holbein, American Journey, Daniel Smith or similar (Lee will have colors to share)
Winsor and Newton ONLY liquid mask with Yellow tint (cannot be over 1 yr. old)
Cheap synthetic brushes for application of the above
Blow dryer with cool setting if possible (or we dry art out-of-doors in nice weather)
Yogurt Lid
Plastic bottle cap or milk cap
Palette for paint…ceramic or china plates are great…$ store or thrift shop
1 or 2 small containers with screw on caps or snap on lids (needed if pouring color)
Stretched Rag Paper (on GatorBoard) 1/2 sheet approximately 15” by 22”
(Lee has paper if you need any for purchase.)
Notebook, Drawing Pencils, Kneaded Eraser, 12” ruler and right angle if you have one
A painting smock or apron (optional)
iPhone or similar for taking still life photos at Lee’s house
You receive a photo print in a protective sleeve as part of your fee.
Feel free to contact me with any questions 865-458-3118
Biography: Lee is a formally trained artist with a bachelor’s degree from Moore College of Art and Design (4-year scholarship) and a master’s degree from Tyler School of Fine Arts, Temple University (both in Philadelphia, Pa.).
Lee has received numerous recognitions within the teaching profession including three-time recipient of The VA Governor’s School for Visual Arts Outstanding Teacher Award and Ohio Outstanding Art Teacher of the Year Award. Lee’s art has been exhibited in all the contingent Rocky Mountain States, in Nebraska, South Dakota, Pennsylvania, Virginia, and in various exhibits in TN. Lee exhibits paintings with the Knoxville Watercolor Society.
Lee taught for 30 + years in public schools in several states (moved with husband’s jobs), mostly senior high school, including Advanced Placement, as well as Adult Education Classes. Lee’s art has received awards in exhibits at The Oak Ridge Open, The Fountain City Art Center, in a Southern Watercolor Society Exhibit and 4 times in the TN Watercolor Society Exhibitions (in 8 exhibitions). Lee is a Signature Member of the Southern and the TN Watercolor Societies.