241112 Wool Felted Winter Trees with Lori Demange

Dates: November 12, 2024
Time: 9:00 to 12:00 pm
Location: Chota Classroom A
Prerequisites: Beginner friendly
Contact Information: lkdemange@gmail.com
Cost: $50 (includes some supplies)
Class Size: Min 8 Max 12
Sign-up: Registration is closed. Contact Lori to see if you can be added to the class.
Deadline: October 28, 2024
Cancellation Policy: Participants may cancel up to 14 days prior to the start of the class for a full refund. There will be no refunds within 14 days of the class unless spot can be filled from wait list. To cancel, fill out the class refund request form
Class Content: This is a beginner friendly class for the art of wet felting with wool fibers. We will make one tree during our time together, and I will send you home with a kit and instructions so you can make a second tree at your leisure. During class, I’ll cover the skills of laying out wool fibers, agitating the fibers to turn into felt, and shaping the felt. I supply the tools and wool you need, but there are a few items you will bring to class. See the list of supplies.
Supply List:
1. one old bath towel, thinner is better
2. three old hand towels
3. one small bowl (1 or 2 quart size)
4. one Brause if you have it (for squirting water)
Biography: Lori has been teaching felting for 2 years, and she has been dry felting and wet felting for 8 years. She is exploring the art of felt to make sculptures, vessels, bags, and wall art. Her needle felted pumpkins can be found on Etsy during the Fall.
Instructor Website: https://www.etsy.com/shop/WoolFeltedDesigns?ref=seller-platform-mcnav