250501 Petals and Patterns: Paint with Paper with Kathryn Payne

Dates: May 1-3, 2025
Time: 9:00am – 4:00pm
Location: Chota Classroom A
Prerequisites: Playful spirit
Contact Information: reachkpayne@gmail.com
Cost: $180 for members, $215 for non-members
Class Size: Min 8 Max 16
Sign-up: Submit this registration form or click on the button below.
Deadline: April 17
Cancellation Policy: Participants may cancel up to 30 days prior to the start of the Workshop. There will be no refunds within 30 days of the workshop. If AGTV or the instructor cancels the workshop, participants will get a full refund. To cancel, fill out the workshop refund request form
Workshop Content: It’s springtime – the season for flowers! Discover the magic of gel plate printing, learn to paint with paper, and let your creativity flow into abstract florals. Whether you’re a complete beginner or an experienced artist looking for inspiration, this mixed media collage course is for you! In this hands-on workshop, Kathy will show you how to master collage tools, techniques, and styles. Dive into color, patterns, texture, and composition in a relaxed and fun environment. You’ll leave with 2-3 unique artworks and fresh ideas to continue your creative journey! Learn how to:
- Choose a color palette. Mix and apply colors using a limited palette, with an emphasis on values, contrast, and color harmony
- Prepare your canvas and plan a composition
- Use a variety of tools and papers to create vibrant prints, layered backgrounds, and interesting textures
- Create vibrant prints with a Gelli Plate
- Use stencils, stamps, and carving tools
- Experiment with various papers for effect (magazine, tissue, deli wraps, teabag paper, newsprint, etc.)
- Create pre-collage skins, stains, and cut-outs for color, shape, and texture
- Compose and assemble a balanced collage using your prepared papers, focusing on contrast, composition, and layering
- Build 2-3 collages trying various techniques from start to finish
- Bring it all together with finishing touches
Day one: Develop a purpose-driven palette of artful papers from magazines, deli paper, tissue, and acrylic paint for use in developing your own collage. Learn to use a Gelli Pad, carving tools, masks, and cut-outs to support your composition. Practice collage techniques as you build your substrate from the bottom up.
Day two: Learn to edit with paint and paper to refine and personalize your composition. We’ll complete 2-3 pieces so that you can practice various techniques working with collage.
Day three will be reserved for completing your work. Kathy will share tips on finishing, sealing, and displaying your masterpiece.
Supply List: Supplies (please see this list for details and links)
- I have a few Gelli Plates and brayers available for sharing
- PROVIDED: Consumable art supplies (e.g. substrates, paint, papers, medium, wetting trays, various tools to share)
- YOU BRING: Your basic tools (e.g. Gelli Pad & brayer, craft brushes, scissors, paper towels, water bucket) and stuff you already own that you might want to use (e.g. Posca pens, stamps, stencils, papers)
Biography: I love to create with paper — cut, torn, sliced, ripped, painted, and reassembled. I am particularly drawn to the look, color, texture and malleable nature of torn magazines and painted papers. Patterns and colors can be layered to create mystery, texture, and depth. Discovering the hidden images embedded in collage creates a mystery that I simply can’t resist! I have been collaging for 15 years and never grow tired of it. Come explore with me!