Dates: Tuesday, April 29, 2025
Time: 9:30am – 2:00pm
Location: Chota Classroom A
Prerequisites: None
Contact Information:
Cost: $70
Class Size: Min 7 Max 18
Sign-up: Submit this registration form or click on the button below.
Deadline: April 16, 2025
Cancellation Policy: Participants may cancel up to 14 days prior to the start of the class for a full refund. There will be no refunds within 14 days of the class unless spot can be filled from wait list. To cancel, fill out the class refund request form
Class Content: It’s almost Spring Time!
The flowers are blooming!
Let’s DRAW them – with pencil!
Let’s COLOR them – with paint!
Have you ever just wanted to sit in front of a flower and draw it? Moreover, have you ever wanted to bring it to life and paint the flower sitting in front of you? If so, this is the class for you.
We will be learning how to do just that. During our time together we will learn the techniques behind how to draw flowers from sight.
A painting always needs a good skilled underdrawing of our subject if we are concentrating on achieving a likeness of our subject. We will first develop a solid understanding and practice learning to draw flowers with pencil. Considering their shape, movement, proportion, details and values.
Then we will take these drawings and bring them to life with color. With technical and technique instructions we will bring them from graphite to colored drawings in “no time.” You may choose to follow along with watercolor, acrylics, watercolor pencils, or color pencils. I will take you along the same journey to create botanical drawings in any of these mediums.
Our focus will be on these two paintings to grasp the concept of botanical drawings. After the class you should be ready to jump into spring, painting all the flowers around you. How much fun will your spring be?
Supply List:
- Several sharpened graphite pencils: different values if you have them (H, HB, B’s) — if not, then HB #2 will be fine
- White eraser or good clean erasers
- Drawing paper: at least 3 sheets, 8″ x 10″ — sketch books are fine
- Medium you want to color with: watercolor paint, acrylic, watercolor pencils, or colored pencils
- Brushes
- Small container for water
- Towel or few sheets of paper towel
- Smooth watercolor paper (Hot Press) (at least 3 sheets – 8″ x 10″)
(let me know if you need anything, I may be able to run by the art store before class and grab anything you need)
Biography: Glenda Bowles is a native Tennessean living in Knoxville with over 30 years of experience in the Arts. She holds a Bachelor of Fine Arts and a Masters in Curriculum and Instruction from the University of Tennessee Knoxville and a Certificate in Counseling from Covenant Theological Seminary. Glenda has taught a diverse range of students, from preschoolers to adults, for over 25 years, including affluent and impoverished students. Core art skills, art history, art theory, and the study of different mediums are a few of what she concentrates on while teaching in order for students to grow in their personal artistic development. Watercolor, oils, gouache, pen and ink, colored pencil, graphite, portraits, plein air, and color theory are a few mediums and subjects she teaches. She has taught in traditional classroom settings in the United States and overseas, as well as in art therapy.
When it comes to her own art, Glenda enjoys working with a variety of mediums. Her primary mediums she works with are watercolor, oils, and graphite. Her fine art and murals can be found in numerous locations in the US and around the world, including Greece, Belize, and Jordan. She has also exhibited her artwork at several locations in Knoxville, Morristown, the Brentwood Academy show in Nashville, and the Memphis College of Art.
Glenda is married to Ryan, they have three children, two in college and one out of college. Outside of art she enjoys traveling, kayaking and biking.
Instructor Website: Web and Instagram