220128 Figure Drawing and Beyond – Katina Kelsey

Friday, January 28th, 9:00-12:30
Saturday, January 29th, 9:00-4:30 (bring a sack lunch)
Location: Chota Classroom A
Instructor Contact Information:
Email: kelseyduo@charter.net
Prerequisite: This class is appropriate for anyone that would like to learn to draw or improve their existing drawing skills
Cost: $50
Class Size: Min 8, Max 14
Deadline: January 14, 2022
Sign-Up: Please contact Katina directly to see if you can be added to the class.
Cancellation Policy: No cancellations after January 14. Prior to this cutoff, cancellations are subject to a $5 fee. If you need to cancel, please contact Katina Kelsey directly.
Class Content: This class is designed to boost your artistic confidence by teaching you a new way of seeing. We will complete several exercises to enhance these abilities by making pure and modified contour figure drawings. You will learn how to implement techniques of sighting and scanning the edges of the paper to determine angles and proportions. If you don’t know what any of this means, don’t worry I’ll explain everything in class.
I will refer to Betty Edward’s classic text Drawing on the Right side of the Brain to cultivate your right brain creativity and curiosity.
Supply List: All supplies included; please bring a drawing board or gator board if you have one.
Biography: Retirement from teaching art has been a joy because I finally have time to create for me and delve deeper into each medium. The Art Guild has sponsored a variety of workshops presented by professional artists that have expanded my technical knowledge. Some of my Art Guild peers have been urging me to teach again, so here I am. Sharing my knowledge gives me great pleasure especially when my students are adults eager to learn. My goal is to provide you with success oriented experiences that guide you to develop your own natural creativity.
- Bachelor and Masters degrees in art education: Edinboro University, Edinboro, Pennsylvania
- 35 years teaching art (public schools K-12) and Alternative Education
- Teaching Credentials in Pennsylvania & California
- BRAVO Arts Specialist Award – Sponsored by The Music Center of Los Angeles
- County Teacher of the Year – Orange County, California
COVID Protocol: Masks requested when social distancing is not possible.